What We Do
Drawing on a wide range of associates, including extractive sector economists and lawyers, mining and petroleum company executives, and financial auditors, we help countries secure a fair share of natural resource wealth by:
- Analyzing and designing extractive sector fiscal regimes and project-specific contracts.
- Conducting sector-wide and project-specific revenue risk assessments to block tax avoidance strategies.
- Designing, supporting and conducting financial, cost recovery, and fraud audits.
- Preparing project-specific and sector-wide government revenue projections.
- Delivering training and capacity-building programs for government officials, parliamentarians and external monitors.
The firm has conducted detailed economic analyses of petroleum and mining projects in Angola, Belize, Bolivia, Cambodia, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Clients include developing-country governments, the World Bank, bilateral donors (Canada, Danida, European Commission, GIZ, Norad, SIDA) and non-governmental organizations including Oxfam, Global Witness, Natural Resources Governance Institute, Open Oil and the Publish What You Pay Coalition.